Happy birthday to me
Idag har jag fyllt 16. Wow. Jag hatar att fylla år. Det betyder att jag måste stå i centrum and god I hate it >< Imorgon blir det rena rama släkträffen, folk från mamma och pappas sida kommer för att dricka kaffe och äta tårta. Jag måste städa rummet .____. *Få panik*. Well may the force be with you and have a nice weekend. Peace ~
Harry in the hood
Jävla tjuv, jag fattar inte hur man kan sjunka så jävla lågt som du har. Du har fan ingen respekt, vet du äns vad det är? Det är snuskigt hur illa man kan tycka om vissa människor, hur mycket man kan hata dem. Men hur mycket man än avskyr dem så får man lära sig att respektera, ta hänsyn till dem. Jag respekterar dig och struntar fullständigt i vad du gör med ditt patetiska liv, bara det inte involverar mig. Du gick över gränsen. Fan ta dig.
How much of a Twilight fan are you? (Lv. 3)
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Harry Potter - Bad roommate, Episode #4
My favourite :D
Mouthwash - Kate Nash
This is my face
Covered in freckles
With the occasional spot
And some veins
This is my body
Covered in skin
And not all of it
You can see
And, this, is my mind
It goes over and over
The same old lines
And, this, is my brain
It's torturous analytical thoughts
Make me go insane
I've got nostalgic pavements
I've got familiar faces
I've got mixed-up memories
And I've got favourite places
This is my face
I've got a thousand opinions
And not the time to explain
And this is my body
And no matter how you try and disable it
Yes I'll still be here
And, this, is my mind
And although you try to infringe
You cannot confine
And, this, is my brain
And even if you try and hold me back
There's nothing that you can gain
'Cause I use mouthwash
Sometimes I floss
I've got a family
And I drink cups of tea
Covered in freckles
With the occasional spot
And some veins
This is my body
Covered in skin
And not all of it
You can see
And, this, is my mind
It goes over and over
The same old lines
And, this, is my brain
It's torturous analytical thoughts
Make me go insane
I've got nostalgic pavements
I've got familiar faces
I've got mixed-up memories
And I've got favourite places
This is my face
I've got a thousand opinions
And not the time to explain
And this is my body
And no matter how you try and disable it
Yes I'll still be here
And, this, is my mind
And although you try to infringe
You cannot confine
And, this, is my brain
And even if you try and hold me back
There's nothing that you can gain
'Cause I use mouthwash
Sometimes I floss
I've got a family
And I drink cups of tea