Black and Grey and White and Everything
Har du märkt hur svårt det kan vara att få ut händelser och känslor i ord? Du vet exakt vad du ska skriva, vad du vill beskriva men du hittar aldrig ord som passar in. De försvinner, gömmer sig. Allt blir svart, grått, vitt. Allt smälter ihop.
You can't reach out and grab the words because they are slipping through your hands like water.
I'm watching photos of what could have been me and regret all those moments in my life when I did nothing, but could have done everything. My life is missing, will you help me find it?
I really do need to start writing again, my fingers are aching to once again dance on the keyboard. That reminds me that I also have to start working on some music. Jaz sent me some lyrics a few days ago and we will soon begin rehearsing again, so I need to create melodies and cool guitar solos, so we can start working!
I have finally started to paint again. It feels wonderful to create shapes and blending colours on paper again, why did I even stop? I guess I had too much to do (as usual) and too little time (as always). Thank Greyback for the winter holidays!
6-9 January LONDON here I come~
You can't reach out and grab the words because they are slipping through your hands like water.
I'm watching photos of what could have been me and regret all those moments in my life when I did nothing, but could have done everything. My life is missing, will you help me find it?
I really do need to start writing again, my fingers are aching to once again dance on the keyboard. That reminds me that I also have to start working on some music. Jaz sent me some lyrics a few days ago and we will soon begin rehearsing again, so I need to create melodies and cool guitar solos, so we can start working!
I have finally started to paint again. It feels wonderful to create shapes and blending colours on paper again, why did I even stop? I guess I had too much to do (as usual) and too little time (as always). Thank Greyback for the winter holidays!
6-9 January LONDON here I come~
Postat av: Teddy
Fight on, babe <3 : 3